While at IndieWebCamp New York City, I sat down with some of the participants to ask "Why did you involved with the IndieWeb?" My name is Oliver Baptiste and my website is oliverbaptiste.com. I've just sort of stumbled across the community literally the last week, looking for a free community or learning opportunity so I can work on some of my skills. What is the next project you're hoping to work on for your website? Aw man, the whole thing. Organize some information. I was really inspired by Rob's website. It was pretty great, the way that he shows his work by showing the different versions of his site in the different iterations, and sort of keeping old content that he created evergreen. I think that's really cool. And... getting the visual design better both desktop and mobile. And then going into the wonderful world of microformats and getting that stuff working on my site, too. Nice. Well thank you very much. Yeah, thank you. --- Hello and welcome to This Week in the IndieWeb, audio edition, for the week of October 14th - 20th, 2017. This Week in the IndieWeb is a weekly digest of activities of the IndieWeb community at indieweb.org. It contains recent and upcoming events, posts from IndieNews, and a summary of wiki edits. This Week in the IndieWeb is sent out Fridays at 2pm Pacific time, with this audio edition appearing the following day. You can find the web edition of This Week in the IndieWeb, including all links and an archive of all past editions at indieweb.org/this-week --- Events Homebrew Website Club is a bi-weekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, and designing their own website. Most meetings take place every other Wednesday, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Homebrew Website Club met on October 18th in Nurnberg, London, and Baltimore, as well as a virtual Homebrew Website Club at Central European Time. On October 19th, Homebrew Website Club met in Berlin for a "Hands-on hacking" session. You can find photos and links to notes from the events in the newsletter. The next regularly scheduled Homebrew Website Club meetup is November 1st, with Brighton, Baltimore, Portland, and San Francisco confirmed so far. If you're an organizer, please remember to update the wiki with information about your venue, times, and how to RSVP. And remember you can always find info about the next upcoming Homebrew Website Club meetups at indieweb.org/next-hwc Interested in starting a Homebrew Website Club in your city? It can be as simple as grabbing a friend and heading to your favorite coffee shop, bar, living room, or any other meeting place. You can find plenty of information about Homebrew Website Club, including tips for how to organize your own, at indieweb.org/hwc Registration is open for IndieWebCamp Berlin, which will take place November 4th and 5th at Contentful GmbH in Berlin, Germany. Learn more and register now at indieweb.org/2017/Berlin. Planning is in progress for IndieWebCamp Austin, scheduled to take place December 9th and 10th. Learn more and help out at indieweb.org/2017/Austin. Dates have been announced for IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2018, which will take place on October 20th and 21st, 2018 during Nuremberg Web Week. It's the first IndieWebCamp to be announced for 2018. The event is one year away, so look for more details to come. All IndieWeb events follow the IndieWeb Code of Conduct, which can be found at indieweb.org/coc. And, all IndieWeb events are volunteer-run, so if you are interested in helping organize, getting the word out, finding sponsors, and more let us know in the chat at chat.indieweb.org. A couple of IndieWeb-related events are also coming up. IndieWeb community member Jeremy Keith of adactio.com will be giving a talk on the "Building Blocks of the IndieWeb" at the View Source Conference in London on October 27th. And IndieWeb community member Calum Ryan, of calumryan.com will be giving a talk Introducing the IndieWeb Movement at MozFest London on October 28th. --- Here is a brief summary of posts collected this week by IndieNews, a XXX community-curated list of articles relevant to the IndieWeb. You can XXX read more, or submit posts of your own, at news.indieweb.org. Marty McGuire, at mmg.re, published a post titled "Native HTML5 captions and titles for audio content with WebVTT". In it, he discusses a way to display subtitles or captions for audio content such as mp3s on the web by embedded them as video elements. --- And now, a selection of this week's updates from the IndieWeb wiki at indieweb.org. # Services and Organizations A new page was created for "Reclaim Hosting", a web hosting company focused on providing services to educators and students. The company grew out of the "A Domain of One's Own" project at University of Mary Washington and is headed by early IndieWeb proponents Jim Groom and Tim Owens. Among Reclaim's offerings is a one-click install of the IndieWeb-friendly content management system Known. The "Owntracks" page has been updated with a link to an announcement from the developer stating that the Android version of the project will no longer be maintained. The private location tracking app has not been removed from the Google Play app store, but the developer recommends an app called Zanzito as an alternative. # IndieWeb Development The "nanopub" page has been updated with details about new features for the micropub server for static sites. Creator Daniel Goldsmith has added support for editing and updating posts, micropub queries, and more. Folks using static site generators such as Hugo or Jekyll should give it a look. --- That's going to do it for this week. Thank you for listening! This English version of This Week in the IndieWeb, audio edition was read and produced by Marty McGuire. If you have suggestions for improving this audio edition of the newsletter, please feel free to contact Marty in the IndieWeb chat This Week in the IndieWeb and the IndieNews services are provided by Aaron Parecki. Music for this episode included the tracks Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11 of Aaron Parecki's 100 Days of Music Project. Find out more at 100.aaronparecki.com Learn more about the IndieWeb at indieweb.org, and join the discussion via Slack, IRC, or the web at chat.indieweb.org.