Hello and welcome to This Week in the IndieWeb, audio edition, for the week of July 15th - 21st, 2023. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-07-21.html This Week in the IndieWeb is a weekly digest of activities in the IndieWeb community at indieweb.org. It contains recent and upcoming events, posts from IndieNews, and a summary of website updates. This Week in the IndieWeb is sent out Fridays at 2pm Pacific time, with this audio edition appearing over the weekend. You can find the web edition of This Week in the IndieWeb, including all links and an archive of all past editions at indieweb.org/this-week --- # Events Homebrew Website Club is a bi-weekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, and designing their own website. Homebrew Website Club met on July 19th with a virtual meetup at 7pm for Europe and London time. Discussion topics included micropub, microformats, forgotten punctuation, and more. You can find photos and links to notes from the meetups in the newsletter. Join us again on July 26th for the next Homebrew Website Club, with virtual meetups scheduled at 7pm for Europe and London, and 6pm for US/Pacific time. You can always find info about the next upcoming Homebrew Website Club meetups and other IndieWeb events at events.indieweb.org. If you're an organizer, please remember to update the site with information about your venue, times, and how to RSVP. Community member Salt presented IndieWeb 101: owning your content and identity at the Software Freedom Conservancy's FOSSY conference on July 15th. Videos will be made available sometime after the event. You can learn more at 2023.fossy.us. All IndieWeb events follow the IndieWeb Code of Conduct, which can be found at indieweb.org/coc. And, all IndieWeb events are volunteer-run, so if you are interested in helping organize, getting the word out, finding sponsors, and more let us know in the chat at chat.indieweb.org. Mark your calendars for 9am US/Pacific on July 29th as James hosts Build a Website in an Hour. Bring an idea to this virtual co-working session and share the results of an hour of work! On July 30th, Send a Friend a Webmention! Coincidentally the same day as International Friendship Day, this non-traditional IndieWeb activity encourages you to use your personal site as your social hub on the web for comments, likes, emoji and gif replies, and more. Planning is underway for an IndieWebCamp Nuremburg for 2023. Tentatively scheduled for October 28th and 29th, it will be adjacent to the border:none conference, which is celebrating its 10 year anniversary. --- Here is a brief summary of posts collected this week by IndieNews, a community-curated list of articles relevant to the IndieWeb. You can read more, or submit posts of your own, at news.indieweb.org. James, at jamesg.blog, posted "Build a website in an hour event". In it, he invites readers to the July 29th virtual event, brainstorms some ideas for web projects he could do in an hour, and asks that you contact him if you need help with ideas for your own project. Tracy at tracydurnell.com posted "Pulling my site from Google over AI training". In it, she details her decision to explicitly deny consent to Google and other crawlers that slurp up public web content for the purposes of AI training. She includes instructions for folks with WordPress sites who would like to do the same. --- And now, a selection of this week's updates from indieweb.org. # New Community Members Daniel joins us from daniel.mowitz.rocks. He is studying physics, occasionally writing some code, and dabbling in philosophy, music, and ham radio. If you haven't already, now is a good time to create your own user page. It's a great way to introduce yourself to the IndieWeb community, and to collect the things that you are working on, or want to work on, for your personal website. For more details, visit indieweb.org/wikifying. # Community and Concepts Planning continues for future virtual IndieWeb pop-up meetings. Current popular topics include Microformats and Micropub. Visit the /pop-up page to register your interest and availability, or to propose a pop-up idea of your own. Thanks to Tantek, gRegor, and other community members for some old-fashioned wiki gardening this week. # Services and Organizations Open source federated Instagram alternative PixelFed recently rolled out a "Sign in with Mastodon" feature, allowing users to sign in using their identity on Mastodon rather than requiring an account on the PixelFed instance. Developers say that they're planning to expand this to more general OpenID Connect and, perhaps, IndieAuth. # IndieWeb Development SiloRider is a command-line utility that helps you syndicate from your microformats-enabled site to social media silos. Built on Python, this open source tool currently supports syndicating posts to Mastodon and Twitter. Learn more at bolt80.com/silorider. As always, you can follow the links in the newsletter to learn more about and add detail to any of these concepts. --- That's going to do it for this week. Thank you for listening! This English version of This Week in the IndieWeb, audio edition was read and produced by Marty McGuire. If you have suggestions for improving this audio edition of the newsletter, please feel free to contact Marty in the IndieWeb chat. This Week in the IndieWeb and the IndieNews services are provided by Aaron Parecki. Music for this episode comes from Aaron Parecki's 100 Days of Music project. Find out more at 100.aaronparecki.com. Learn more about the IndieWeb at indieweb.org, and join the discussion via Slack, IRC, or the web at chat.indieweb.org.